The Dual Crisis: Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the Modern World

data cleaning
exploratory data analysis
plot aesthetics

Arindam Baruah


November 14, 2024

Figure 1: Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the Modern World

Key takeaway

Figure 1 illustrates the infographic titled “The Dual Crisis: Mental Health and Substance Abuse in the Modern World” highlights the alarming global trends in drug use, mental health, and substance-related deaths. It emphasises that men are disproportionately affected by drug-related mortality. Deaths from mental health and substance use disorders have significantly increased, especially in the U.S. and Canada, with a sharp spike following the COVID-19 pandemic. Among middle-aged individuals, those aged 15 to 49—especially working professionals in high-stress environments—are most affected by substance use disorders, suggesting work-related stress as a major contributing factor.

Tobacco remains the most lethal substance, causing over 7.2 million deaths annually—three times more than alcohol and significantly higher than illicit drugs. However, there’s a positive trend in declining cigarette consumption, with usage falling since 1974 and projections suggesting continued decline. On the other hand, the data also presents a concerning rise in synthetic drug use, with opioid overdose deaths surging by 58 times since 1990. The data underscores the urgent need for mental health support, particularly in high-stress industries, where professionals are at an elevated risk of substance dependence. Employers’ lack of adequate mental health support is also highlighted as a critical issue.

Some good news

This data visualisation infographic entry for the Matilda Viz 2024 edition, hosted by the University of Sydney, has made it to the top 10 finalists!


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