Upset plots to analyse intersections and unions in data πŸ“ŠπŸ’‘


Arindam Baruah


January 31, 2024


Imagine visualising data with multiple intersections and unions, making drawing insights from a traditional Venn diagram extremely complex! πŸ€”πŸ€·

Introducing the Upset Plots! πŸ’‘

In this month’s visualisation challenge, I was implemented an β€œUpset plots”. This utilitarian plot, while not the easiest to comprehend at the get-go, is incredibly useful for studying intersections within our data. πŸ“ˆπŸ“Š

The plot works on a combination matrix and creates the bar plot by summing the frequencies of the observations for every respective combination of observations. βš™οΈ

Here is my attempt at visualising data on the popular book reads between 1980-2023 where we can observe a trend of book choices with inter-genre content. The visualisation was created using the UpSetR package on R studio.

An upset plot depicting the intersections and total observations
Important sources

Data source:

If you’re interested in the code which went behind the creation of the above plot, please refer to the link here.


  1. R studio: RStudio Team (2020). RStudio: Integrated Development for R. RStudio, PBC, Boston, MA URL
  2. ggplot2: H. Wickham. ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, 2016.
  3. UpsetR: Gehlenborg N (2019). UpSetR: A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets. R package version 1.4.0,